What is a fractal?

Defined by Wikipedia on-line, in colloquial usage, a fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided in parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced/size copy of the whole. The term was coined by Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975 and was derived from the Latin fractus meaning broken or fractured. Due to their appearing similar at all levels of magnification, fractals are often considered to be ‘infinitely complex’. Some examples in nature include clouds, mountain ranges and lightning bolts. Some refer to fractals as the language of nature.

What is the mystery to be uncovered in a fractal?

The beauty is that through the mesmerizing images one comes to know themselves. How can that possibly be… The infinitesimally small pattern repeats and repeats in a form that may seem chaotic but the more it grows, or expands, the more of its true nature is revealed. So too a human being. A scientist may look at the most miniscule atoms buzzing around – mostly space – and yet as the scientist starts to view the atoms becoming molecules, the molecules becoming cells, the cells becoming differentiated into tissue, fluids, nerves, and then finally into the whole physical being. At each level on first glance, it may look purely chaotic and totally random, but look how amazingly each miniscule atom is coordinated to manifest into a completely functioning, magnificent you. And you are so much more than you can see on the physical level too. Each part in perfect harmony with each other to create your life.

The potential…

Now when you look at a fractal you may see just one aspect of the object (maybe one branch of the tree) but imagine that one aspect expanding and growing in its chosen “random” pattern to become the magnificent Oak tree in 100 years. That 100 year old tree is in the potential of that small branch being “fractalized” as it grows.

The Universe and Life…

The Universe is not a random, chaotic, mass of disassociated, separate events, people or objects. The Universe is a fractal, being “fractalized”, ever expanding, in a completely perfect, geometric, magnificent design of Life. All Life is a Fractal. All fractals can be seen in its tiniest, earliest form to hold the potential of its fully actualized magnificence. Once you understand this, Life is no longer a boring, mundane, haphazard existence filled with discontent and discord. Life is a glorious, harmonious creation whose meaning is revealed in fractals.

Romanesco broccoli (Brassica oleracea) By sergeyskleznev ( Evanto )

Close-up of Four-horned Chameleon skin, Chamaeleo quadricornis

A microscopic shot of the cells of a virus with vivid and vibrant colors