
SpiritFractals* are unique, highly charged representations of fractals from the higher, nonphysical dimension; they are divinely guided images.

Life can be seen and experienced in the physical, and all life is purely energy. The physical realm enables us to use our five senses to enjoy our physical creations. The higher energies (meaning finer frequencies invisible to most people) that are an integral part of life, can be translated into various forms or experiences that we can then perceive. For instance, beautiful highly gifted music allows us to hear a melody of frequency that uplifts us emotionally. A fragrance can transport us mentally back in time to a lovely memory that fills us with joy and peace. A wonderful meal can make us feel loved and nurtured because the cook poured love, joy and passion into the preparation. The touch of a lover or holding a sleeping baby evokes feelings of love and tenderness. All of these physical experiences are also felt at a higher frequency or energy level since they have transformed our emotions and our mental state.

The SpiritFractals* are beautiful images that also emit “messages” and high frequency energies. These energies can transform us emotionally, mentally, spiritually and perhaps physically. The messages are channeled from the higher frequency dimensions (beyond physical), divinely guided, and translated into the colours and forms of the fractals.

Essentially the images are “snapshots” of the fractal which in reality is always expanding. (see section Fractals).
Each SpiritFractal* was created holding the essence of the theme as the intention in a channeled state. The message of the theme is embodied by the fractal and its energies. You will feel the transmission of the energies if you are open to receiving the message.

The written intuitives are the interpretation of the SpiritFractal* image or theme. Some people find an explanation is helpful to further their understanding of the fractal’s meaning. The words act as a framework for the message. Each SpiritFractal* may affect each person differently since we are all unique. Our uniqueness filters the images and messages for our best and highest good.

Soul Song sound healing / information.  Your unique Spiritfractal™ will also be specially converted to sound which is designed to be played while meditating with the printed Spiritfractal™.  The song contains information for you that bypasses the ego and conscious mind.

The power and ability for transformation is in utilizing the SpiritFractal* images and words for your own personal interpretation.