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All is in divine timing and all is well. Your only requirement is that you sit still and listen. Listen with your heart – not your mind. 

Your earth-bound beings are represented by the lower portion of the image, seen as separated by the green tendrils: heart chakra earth. The array of chakra colours are present, even the pink of love that is behind the green heart. You will notice that the deep indigo blue of the 6th chakra is not as present but there are many large representations of blue.  These images of many colours are your lifetimes of will, speaking, and in some cases feeding the dark. But also there is a balanced those chakras with the “higher” dimension of prink and magenta. You also carry much love and compassion. Interesting how the magenta of compassion surrounds the darker aspects. You know you are always balancing. Nothing is ever “wrong” – you learn by your experiences and by the willingness to try.  There is always light within too.  You are always drawn to these earthbound adventures, trying to get it right. There is never a “right place” or a destination – it is all in the every-expanding journey.

There is also the message of the earth tendrils forming from the light, will, heart, spiritual knowing, and being manifest while integrated into the spiritual and also being rooted. The joining of the Earth with the Christ light (light, gold, pink), being manifest while held in spiritual knowing, rooted deeply, feed by the sacred womb space and high heart. This is your mission. The earth-bound beingness also feeds your multidimensional self as represented by the Earth tendrils moving into the spirals above.

See how much larger your multidimensional Self is relative to your numerous lives on Earth. Thousands of spirals  illustrating how infinite you are. There really is no rush – it is all about experiencing. So what do you choose to experience in this life? If you would like a life of ease and grace, then jump to that spiral. It can look very similar but the feeling is different.  This is the power of your infinite self. You can literally “jump spirals” to an aspect you would prefer. Each spiral cycles through all the colour (frequency) experiences desired by the Soul but the reality of these experiences can be very different.  There is lightness, unconditional love, birthings, high heart, wisdom, knowing, connection, knowledge from the Earth, Stars, Sea and Sky. Everything is always present. What you decide to put your attention to, is what is pulled from the spiral for you to experience. Want more love? Pull love from the infinite and jump to that spiral. Want more freedom? What does that feel like to you? Jump to that spiral by envisioning and knowing to expect that feeling in your experience.

When you choose a spiral to jump to for that feeling experience, by your spiral movement that will also emirate out for others and move you to the next phase and stage of your spiral, or a completely different one if you like. IT is not about checking off boxes and getting it done. It is about feeling the experience, deciding if it is what  you want and intending to pull a new experience to you – gracefully, easily, joyful or in whatever manner you choose. If an experience starts to feel “off”, then choose again. Trust your Soul has you and look at your possibilities.

It is quite possible to be in the exact same place and same time and have completely different experiences depending on the feeling spiral you choose.  See how you can skip an entire loop if you follow the serial around but yet each “colour spot” is connected quickly and directly down or up through all the colours (frequencies) with slightly different aspects. No matter where you choose to go – you get what is needed.